Communication & Sales

  • Wednesday, May 03, 2017
  • 4:30 PM - 6:30 PM
  • Genesee Grande, 1060 E Genesee St., Syracuse, NY 13210


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Creating Value Through Effective Communication

Join us on May 3rd at the Genesee Grande with another dynamic program for women in business!  This month - our speaker is Allison Haslam, a regional vice-president at with a large financial services organization. 

Have you ever been in a situation where you know that you have THE BEST plan for a potential client, you've worked hard to put it together, and after you're done with the presentation, they don't work with you?

Or you go to a networking event to meet new potential clients and there are a lot of people there, but you end up not getting any meetings with the people that attended?  The goal of this program is to increase your odds at getting an initial meeting with someone and turning that meeting into a sale through effective communication.  

It's not just about the product or service that you provide - you can have all of the best products, at the best price, but if you cannot communicate to your potential clients the value of them and more importantly you, then your chances of "closing the sale" are greatly diminished.

Don’t miss this fantastic opportunity to join other professional women, network and listen to Allison help you create value through Effective Communication!

Register today!

Presented By:

Allison Haslam is the regional vice-president at a large financial services organization. She started her business in financial services in 2006 and has been a member of WBOC since 2007.  Her previous career was in education and her adjustment from teaching into becoming self-employed had its challenges and forced her to learn how to market herself.   Her passion for teaching families about money is evident, as well as her enthusiasm for learning.   Through her entrepreneurial journey, Allison has grown professionally through reading books, attending seminars, and becoming involved with organizations like WBOC.  As a result, Allison currently runs a successful office in Fayetteville, NY.  She is a past president of WBOC and is a recipient of the 40 Under 40 award.

Contact us

Women Business Opportunities Connection

Mail Address: Meeting Address:
4465 East Genesee Street, #225
Syracuse, New York  13214
Drumlins Country Club*
800 Nottingham Rd.  (Map)
Syracuse, New York 13224

* Check Program details to confirm location of meeting.

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