Connections meetings are special opportunities available for our members to host to meet other members in smaller groups. Plus now our connection meetings are open to anyone interested in learning from our members!
Join our Marketing Director, Devan Robinson, for her empowering workshop "Exorcism of Our Inner Critics" on Thursday, February 22nd at 6:30pm. We'll be gathering in person at Crescent Collective in Liverpool, NY.
Now, we know the word 'exorcism' may throw some people off, but think of your inner critic like the pesky demon in your mind that you want to banish. This workshop is designed to help you identify and confront those negative thoughts that hold you back from reaching your full potential.
During this 90-minute session, Devan will guide you in banishing that nagging voice in your head that stops you from pursuing your desired goals. It's that voice that tells you that you're not good enough, that you can never achieve what you want, or that convinces you to settle for less. It's the voice that holds you back, preventing you from finding better opportunities or leaving a job you despise.
But fear not, because we're going to connect in-person and confront that inner voice together. We'll create a supportive space for ourselves, enabling us to embrace our true selves and pursue our deepest desires, instead of succumbing to the inner critic.
This workshop is all about transforming our doubts, releasing limiting beliefs, and mentally preparing ourselves to conquer the year 2024.
Don't miss out on this transformative experience!
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