Jump Start Your Social Media Marketing

  • Wednesday, May 04, 2022
  • 4:30 PM - 6:30 PM
  • SKY Armory, 351 S Clinton St, Syracuse, NY 13202
  • 35


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You are invited to our May Program - Jump Start Your Social Media Marketing with Joanne DelBalso, Social Media Strategist, BeSociallyAwesome.Com

"I believe entrepreneurs shine when sharing their "story" through social media" - Joanne DelBalso

You will take away:

  • Learn what platforms you should be on for your industry and how often should you post
  • Learn the one thing that can give your social marketing a boost and it can be done in under an hour.
  • Leave with a simple 30 day content calendar to give you inspiration on creating your own content. 

* Special offer for attendees - one free hour session with Joanne to be trained on any platform or help with strategies.  

About Joanne DelBalso :  Losing her job in 2007 at a local CPA firm, was truly a pivotal point in Joanne’s Career.  You know what they say, when one door closes another one opens. The door opened to her accounting practice “No Fuss Accounting Services” that very next month.  Over the past 10 years Joanne has used her quirky and fun sense of humor, coupled with her natural talent for teaching and has developed a successful and growing accounting practice.  Joanne learned early on the importance of establishing her brand locally as well as online. She taught herself how to “sell” her services locally by networking and also jumped “online” to dove deep into the world of social media to promote her practice and her personal brand.  Joanne has 100’s of hours of webinars, video courses, books, blogs and just good old trial and error under her belt while building her online brand.  Whether it is a Quickbooks training or showing a client how to truly get organic engagement from their Facebook business page , Joanne is in her element when she can teach and train others.

As an Enrolled Agent and the owner of No Fuss Accounting Services since 2007 (based in Upstate New York), Joanne learned how maintaining an online presence was crucial to a thriving business.  Be Socially Awesome was born when Joanne saw that many small business owners struggle with the basics of social media.  She enjoys when a client gets the “AH HA” moment and everything starts to click during one of her training sessions

Special thanks to our Host SKY Armory

Special thanks to Cathy J. Berry, M.D. & Associates

Dr. Cathy Berry (Cathy J. Berry M.D. & Associates) has graciously donated money to our organization to help support and advance the success of women in business.

“Dr. Berry strives to provide quality care to her patients while empowering women to be proactive participators in their own health care. Her holistic approach to medicine includes developing a unique treatment plan for each patient that incorporates traditional medicine, alternative therapies or combinations of both.” For more information, visit her website at: https://cathyjberrymd.com/  


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Women Business Opportunities Connections
4465 East Genesee Street, #225
Syracuse, New York 13214

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Women Business Opportunities Connection

Mail Address: Meeting Address:
4465 East Genesee Street, #225
Syracuse, New York  13214
Drumlins Country Club*
800 Nottingham Rd.  (Map)
Syracuse, New York 13224

* Check Program details to confirm location of meeting.


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