Kickoff the New Year with a Focus on Your Financial Well-Being!
Date: January 5th
Time: 5pm
Participate in an interactive Panel Discussion moderated by WBOC President Amy Doyle. Learn about effective strategies and tools so you can thrive financially. Our panelists include Rhonda Cabrinha (Ellis, Moreland & Ellis), Allison Haslam (Primerica), Colette Powers (Powers Wealth Management), and Laurie Ucher (Seneca Savings).
We all know that WBOC is a great organization and a wonderful group of women in business that network, collaborate and encourage one another. January is a great month to introduce a woman you know to WBOC because we are offering a guest discount! Instead of the usual $25, the cost for guests will be $10! So, spread the word and have them sign up here!
WBOC Programming Sponsor
We want to thank Dr. Cathy Berry for again providing a "Presenting" Level Sponsorship to WBOC. This sponsorship gift is especially appreciated during these last two years when we have been unable to hold our annual Holiday Auction Fundraising event. We appreciate her ongoing support and generosity to help support and advance the success of women in business. Thank you, Dr. Berry!

Dr. Cathy Berry (Cathy J. Berry M.D. & Associates) has graciously donated money to our organization to help support and advance the success of women in business.
“Dr. Berry strives to provide quality care to her patients while empowering women to be proactive participators in their own health care. Her holistic approach to medicine includes developing a unique treatment plan for each patient that incorporates traditional medicine, alternative therapies or combinations of both.” For more information, visit her website at: https://cathyjberrymd.com/
Sponsorship Opportunities Available
With the loss of our annual fundraiser (holiday auction) for the past two years, we are looking for sponsors for our upcoming programs! For $250, we will recognize you and/or your business in an upcoming program! We will highlight you in all the announcements for the program as well as the day of the event! If you are looking for a last-minute business expense, contact us before December 31 to reserve your spot for the upcoming year!
Save the Date
As a part 2 of the January program, we plan on continuing with the financial theme! Save the date for February 2nd, 5pm, with a virtual program!
From the Board Members of the WBOC, have a Happy Holiday Season!