The world’s seemingly flipped upside down, and we’ve been forced to looked at everything from a new perspective.
As an organization, WBOC has had to do the same, trying to understand how to best support our WBOC members during this time.
We realized the key element of the WBOC organization has always been the Connection piece, and that it's our Connections that lead to Opportunities for Business Women - COBW!
Join us for a deep dive on how our connections can help us find opportunities to realign our businesses & stay relevant during this time.

Jaime Weisberg, founder of Northbound Coaching & Consulting, will guide us in a discussion about the relationship between positive connections & a broadened mindset that primes us for ingenuity and creativity in our businesses.
We will breakout into engaging discussions on how we can use our connections with each other, as collaborators, role models, cheerleaders and more, to move forward together.
Please join us!
This meeting is included for members; non-members can join for a $10 fee.