3M's: Mindful & Motivated = Money

  • Wednesday, October 04, 2017
  • 4:30 PM - 6:30 PM
  • Genesee Grande, 1060 E Genesee St., Syracuse, NY 13210


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Of all of the issues facing a self-funded entrepreneur, none is more challenging than finance. 

There are so many issues for a start-up: How much money do I need to start this venture? How much of a financial cushion do I need? What are the right KPIs for my business? How often should I monitor these? What do changes in my key measures tell me? And so on…

Laura Serway, co-owner of Laci’s Tapas Bar, is by any measure a successful entrepreneur. Laci’s is just one of the successful ventures that Laura and her wife, Cindy, have built. Laura considers her business and financial savvy as the lynchpins of her success, accompanied, of course, by great food and service. She is valued by the advisory boards on which she serves, where her quick wit and her perpetual question—“what are the numbers?” ensures the organizations have the funds to provide the services to their client base.

Join Laura for a captivating insight into the financial details that contribute to success.

Contact us

Women Business Opportunities Connection

Mail Address: Meeting Address:
4465 East Genesee Street, #225
Syracuse, New York  13214
Drumlins Country Club*
800 Nottingham Rd.  (Map)
Syracuse, New York 13224

* Check Program details to confirm location of meeting.


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