Financial Lessons & Wisdom in Entrepreneurship

  • Wednesday, May 04, 2016
  • 4:30 PM - 6:30 PM
  • Genesee Grande, 1060 E Genesee St., Syracuse, NY 13210


Registration is closed

Join the WBOC on May 4th for a powerful program: Financial Lessons & Wisdom for Women Entrepreneurs with special guest speaker Eileen Brophy, President and CEO of Brophy Services, Inc

4:30-5:00 - Networking & Registration

5:00-6:30 - Program

6:30 - After Program Networking

Eileen Brophy has been leading her organization since 2007, after the sudden passing of her late husband Tim, who was the owner of a facilities maintenance and janitorial services company since 1986.  With little experience on how to run a company, Eileen was forced to make business decisions day by day without knowing exactly what to do.  Not all her choices were the right ones, but her ability to learn and persevere has paid off with impressive business growth and gains.  We women at the WBOC have just one question for this seasoned solo-preneur:  Will you teach us what you’ve learned?

So on May 4th, come to hear from a successful woman who has certainly been there and tried that!  Eileen will share the “things she knows now that she wished she had known then.”  Just like Eileen, many of us have started businesses or are entrepreneurs with a high level of expertise in our product or service, but we may not have all the needed experience on how to run a business.  Eileen will lead us down a path to entrepreneurial success by giving us her tried-and-true financial lessons and some of her famous “Brophy Wisdoms” to consider. 

If you, too, take pride in lessons learned, Step Into Success with the WBOC by attending this innovative program.  REGISTER today!

Contact us

Women Business Opportunities Connection

Mail Address: Meeting Address:
4465 East Genesee Street, #225
Syracuse, New York  13214
Drumlins Country Club*
800 Nottingham Rd.  (Map)
Syracuse, New York 13224

* Check Program details to confirm location of meeting.

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