You asked for it… And we made it happen!
On February 3rd, the WBOC is offering the popular program topic that affects every woman in business: Courageous Communication
Fact: As women, the way in which we communicate can greatly impact our success.
In this presentation, you will learn about some important ways that many women speak, talk and interact which limit our effectiveness and power.
Fact: In our society, women are often taught to take care of others and others’ feelings – to do this by responding to the needs of others before our own.
In this presentation, we will discuss ways women can peak openly and directly, without fear of harming a relationship or being unlikeable.
Fact: Many studies show that women who are more assertive are not always well received by men or other women.
So what’s a woman to do?!

In this workshop, Dr. Christine Allen will give you some specific strategies to communicate openly, powerfully, and courageously, despite existing societal norms and our own internal barriers. Specifically, you will learn strategies for:
· How to identify and ask for what you want
· How to handle difficult conversations and confrontations effectively
· How to manage your own emotions in sticky situations
· How to use powerful body language and project a more assertive image
· How to express yourself assertively in a way that feels comfortable
· How to express your opinion when you disagree with someone
STEP into SUCCESS with more effective and courageous communication to empower you as a woman.
JOIN US - register today for this powerful program!!