Program Follow Up - Recap

Sunday, September 13, 2020 8:23 PM | Anonymous

We kicked off our 2020/2021 Program Year with a much-needed inspirational & positive presentation by member Cindy Ormond.

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Photography by Courtney Seamans of Sweetly Grown Photography

In 2020, Cindy was about to have the best year of her LIFE! She…

Made plans to grow her entertainment business…

Had finally put herself on the LIST of things to take care of…

Was going to celebrate her 50th birthday on an amazing cruise, then spend a week in Italy.

In other words, she’d gotten all her ducks in a row…

And then…well, you know what happened. The same thing that happened to all of us.

COVID. It forced her to stop. Look around. Take a breath – and because she literally had no choice – she had to stop working on weekends.

She started sleeping. Cooking. Meditating. Being unscheduled made Cindy realize she was missing out on so much because her business was ALWAYS in a busy season.

She could finally see her favorite people…

Go floating down the river with her brother – 

Spent time with family she NEVER gets to see.

But HOW is she so happy? Even though all this good news is happening – isn’t her business being decimated killing her? 

NO. She’s figured out that – though it sounds cliché – there’s more to happiness for her than financial success ever could bring her.

She has happiness hormones coursing through her body now. She’s engaging in activities that bring her great JOY - 

Her secret sauce? A book called The Art of Extreme Self Care. And Cindy shared a guide she uses in her daily decisions about what’ll make her happy – even in times of great trouble. (See it at the end of this email)

WBOC’s theme this year is EVOLVE – we are all adapting right now. The journey we are on is constantly changing.

But are we happy? Are we energized? Are we filled up?

We want to help you stay filled up, energized, and happy – so we hope that even during this incredibly difficult time, you’ll join us for our next month’s program:


Keynote Speaker Cheryl Wood will teach us how to Unleash the Profitable Power of Our Voice!

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Come for the regular Weds, October 7th Program & learn a ton – and if you can swing it, join us for the follow-up workshop on Thursday!

Both are included for Members! Non-Members & guests are welcome - $40 for both days; $25 for Weds only.

Register & learn more here

The power of your story is one only you can tell – and knowing how to harness it will help you grow your business and impact more people in the world!

See you there – and please share this workshop with your friends & colleagues…

~Your WBOC Board

Amy DoylePresident
Dianne RizzoVice President
Anne NotarthomasTreasurer
Rhonda CabrinhaSecretary
Jen LiddyMarketing Director
Tracee Young OrzechMembership Director
Elizabeth AllenPrograms Director
Cindy OrmondDirector at Large

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Contact us

Women Business Opportunities Connection

Mail Address: Meeting Address:
4465 East Genesee Street, #225
Syracuse, New York  13214
Drumlins Country Club*
800 Nottingham Rd.  (Map)
Syracuse, New York 13224

* Check Program details to confirm location of meeting.

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