Recap of Our June 2019 Annual Meeting

Tuesday, August 20, 2019 4:06 PM | Anne Notarthomas (Administrator)

Thanks to everyone who attended our last meeting, and if you weren’t there - we missed you! Here’s what happened so you can use the awesome gems that were shared that night.

Wednesday, June 5th was our Annual Meeting, where we spotlighted the journey of some incredible women among our membership!

Four women shared stories of what they’ve learned as successful business women.


Theresa Cangemi, longtime entrepreneur, owns Medicare Made Simple. She clarified the vital nature of building relationships. One tip she shared was how far the simple gesture of a thank you can go, bringing her referral after referral, and keeping her business vibrant.


Belinda Porter shared her journey of becoming a sexuality & relationship coach in her business  Heat Effect Life Coaching, Inc. She shared the bravery it took for her to turn into who she’s become - and we were all blown away by her vulnerability & authenticity! She reminds us to be who you are in your business.


Melissa Killeleagh, of Arbonne International, reminded us of how when we show up for our community, it’s like compounding interest! Consistent action in alignment with who we are is what makes us successful. Keep moving forward and be yourself was her take-home message.


Michelle Wolfenden, owner of Wolfenden Law Firm, PLLC grew her business intentionally, with her busy mom as her role model. Michelle learned that  anything can be done, if you plan for it and work around obstacles!  She encouraged us to integrate our priorities so that we can create the business of our dreams.

Thank you to each of our speakers for your effort in reminding us all that we can handle anything because there is nothing a determined woman cannot do!

We’ll miss you this summer as we take a break from scheduled meetings, but we look forward to seeing you back on the first Wednesday of September. Get September 4th, 4:30 - 6:30 in your calendar now!

Happy Summer!
Jen Liddy
Marketing Director

Contact us

Women Business Opportunities Connection

Mail Address: Meeting Address:
4465 East Genesee Street, #225
Syracuse, New York  13214
Drumlins Country Club*
800 Nottingham Rd.  (Map)
Syracuse, New York 13224

* Check Program details to confirm location of meeting.

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